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LEAVING THIS BLOG NOW...................

As I will be on a long months' holidays starting 7th July 2010 prior to my retirement in October 2010, I will suspend my service in updating my blog on daily issues or facts of interest.

I would like to thanks everyone for having the interest in surfing my blog and sharing the thoughts with me.

Thank you to everyone.

Friday, October 1, 2010

ISSUE - Reader View : Not wise to up retirement age of civil servants to 60

RECENTLY, the Cuepacs president called on our Prime Minister once again to raise the retirement age for civil servants to 60, using Singapore as an example.

I beg to disagree as he should also compare the quality of services provided by civil servants in Singapore.

Cuepacs first asked for the retirement age to be increased to 58, and it was done. Now it wants to extend it to 60. It is all right to raise the retirement age, but the services must improve. Attitude and responsibility must change and improve for the better.

Now with the retirement age raised to 58, can we say that services have been upgraded? Just try waiting at the entrance of any government department at 2pm and count the number of staff coming in past 2.30pm.

Try calling any government department even at the headquarters in Putrajaya, you will be lucky if you can get through to the intended person.

Besides, civil servants above 55 are usually no longer productive. They are normally dominant within their group, thus creating frustration among the juniors and that leads to a decline in performance.

There are thousands of graduates and school leavers waiting in the job market. No one is indispensable.

Cuepacs should play a more meaningful role by educating its members to be dedicated, responsible and productive. Its role is not just to ask for bonus payment at the end of every year and pay rise every now and then.

Reader Views : The Star 1/10/2010


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